After shows, I’m sometimes asked for “stripped down” version of songs which causes me to be both flattered and disappointed. I’m pleased that one would be anxious to want to recapture the immediacy of the concert they’ve just witnessed. Yet, to revert to the film comparison and certainly NOT to make a comparison with F.F. Coppola, it strikes me no differently than asking to have a copy of the actors reciting the lines to The Godfather, without any of the lush cinematography, without any of the crucial soundtrack, and without any of the elements that make it the classic that it is. As one who, while growing up, used to hide the radio under his pillow and never wanted to go even 10 minutes without listening to music…I don’t remember ONE time when I thought, “Gee, I wonder what this song would sound like without all those instruments on it!”
I’m not saying that the desire isn’t a valid one, I’m just saying that, in my mind and heart, it feels more honest to present the song in the way I intended it to be heard. That I perform these songs by myself at all, is a matter of pragmatic necessity. I would love love LOVE to be playing with a band, night after night.
For a studio, I picked Sear Sound for the making of Long List of Priors. I had worked on a couple of Peter Wolf albums at Sear and the results were unrivaled. I always loved getting lost in soundscapes…from back in the early rock ‘n’ roll world (Beach Boys, Beatles, Moody Blues, Dead, Psychedelic, Prog Rock, etc.) This is why I could never be satisfied recording and mixing my own albums. I want people who are as dedicated to the art of recording as I am to my craft. And who have spent as many hours doing it! Sear was the perfect place to record. This is a studio that gave birth to many classic records from Bjork to Bowie, Patti Smith to Steely Dan, Lou Reed to John Lennon, (who recorded part of his final, Double Fantasy album here.) I hope people will agree that…even if they hate all the songs, that the album really does sound great!!
I get asked to produce other people’s records far more often than I accept. It’s not for lack of desire, but more due to lack of priority. I’m SO proud of the 4 albums I produced with Peter Wolf, as I am of Holly Palmer’s debut, and the various songs I worked on with Marc Cohn and Shawn Colvin. The bulk of that work came before I was so fully committed to my own recording and performance. And it’s just very tough for me to put that on the back burner for a lengthy amount of time. If I accept a project to produce, I know that nothing besides that project will get any of my attention until the day it is complete. And so, regretfully, I’m not able to accept some of the very entertaining offers. As I said earlier, there really is no place I’d rather be, than in a studio, creating a landscape of sound behind a great song.

For All Inquiries
Sandy Goldfarb
12741 Pacific Ave, #8
Los Angeles, CA 90066
(310) 391-3139
(310) 386-4449 cell
(734) 709-2015